Code of Conduct

Section 1. The Code of Conduct speaks very clearly about what is required of a Fellow of the American College of Dentists:

A Fellow shall abide by the principles of ethics of the American Dental Association or equivalent professional organization. A Fellow shall always act in a manner that brings credit to the dental profession and the American College of Dentists.

Fellows shall be removed of Fellowship upon being judged in violation of the Principles of Ethics of the American Dental Association or equivalent professional organization by the governing body of that organization.

The American College of Dentists holds that: The solicitation of patronage by false, deceptive, and misleading advertising is unacceptable and shall be grounds for removal of Fellowship or other disciplinary action (see Guidelines for Advertising by Dentists).

The American College of Dentists holds that it is the obligation of every Fellow to be a competent professional committed to lifelong learning. It is the responsibility of every Fellow to keep abreast of contemporary developments within the profession. It is a moral and ethical imperative that a professional responsible for the health and well-being of others discharge that responsibility to the best of their ability.

Fellows share an obligation to serve their profession and contribute to its progress according to their abilities and resources. These efforts may be acknowledged by honoraria.

Fellows have an obligation when involved in continuing education or other professional endeavors to disclose relationships with commerce, journalism, or any other entity where nondisclosure or incomplete disclosure may lead to a misrepresentation of facts.

Fellows shall be removed of Fellowship if convicted in civil or criminal court of an action which discredits the dental profession or the American College of Dentists, or following revocation of license by a licensing agency. Fellows may be removed of Fellowship following censure or suspension by organized dentistry or a licensing agency.

Fellows shall be removed of Fellowship when they do not fulfill those obligations of Fellowship as set forth in the Bylaws, Code of Conduct, or henceforth determined by the Board of Regents.

Fellows may use the title "Fellow, American College of Dentists," or alternatively "Fellow of the American College of Dentists," on letterhead, business cards, and in biographical summaries, provided this is done in a dignified and professional manner and is consistent with other provisions in the Code of Conduct. The title shall not be used in the direct solicitation of patients or for strictly commercial purposes. Use of Fellow, American College of Dentists or Fellow of the American College of Dentists on the Internet is permitted only in a biographical summary on a dentist's own website. If the title is used, it must appear on a page within the website that is strictly informational and not commercial in nature.

The title "Fellow, American College of Dentists" is conferred on all members of the College and is abbreviated F.A.C.D. It is understood that Fellowship is an honor, but it is not a degree. The conferring of Fellowship in the College may be announced to the public in accord with guidance provided by the Executive Director.

Fellows shall use the F.A.C.D. abbreviation in the accepted manner. The use of the F.A.C.D. abbreviation following the professional degree is limited as follows:

The abbreviation may be used together with academic or professional degrees on the Title Page of textbooks.

The abbreviation may be used in College registers where faculty listings are presented, together with other titles and degrees.

When submitting a paper for publication in a professional, non-proprietary journal, a Fellow may inform the editorial board of Fellowship in the College and at the editor's discretion, the abbreviation may be used following the author's name.

The abbreviation may be considered for use in non-commercial contexts that only involve dentists or other professional colleagues and do not involve patients. The overriding principle is that the abbreviation shall not be used in any commercial context such as advertising, solicitation of patients, or personal or professional promotion. This restriction will normally exclude the use of the abbreviation on stationery or professional cards. The abbreviation should not be used in or on office doors, office buildings, nameplates, signs, directories, announcements, appointment cards, advertisements, telephone books, or websites.

The abbreviation may be used in educational settings where the course, seminar, or meeting is sponsored by conventional dental schools, organized dentistry, or organizations representing recognized specialties.

Any contemplated use of the abbreviation shall comply with the spirit of the Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct of the American Dental Association.

The abbreviation should not be used when signing a professional register except in foreign countries where such recognition is expected.

Sections may only use the seal of the American College of Dentists as part of official correspondence. Any other contemplated uses require the prior approval of the Executive Director. The seal may not be used by individuals other than those serving in an official capacity.

Pledge for Acceptance of Fellowship and affirmation of the Responsibilities of Fellowship will be required of all new Fellows.

Section 2. The Code of Conduct also speaks very clearly about what is required of an Affiliate Member of the American College of Dentists:

An Affiliate Member shall always act in a manner that brings credit to the dental profession and the American College of Dentists.

Affiliate Members shall not portray themselves as Fellows of the American College of Dentists.

The American College of Dentists holds that it is the obligation of every Affiliate Member to be competent and committed to lifelong learning. It is the responsibility of every Affiliate Member to keep abreast of contemporary developments relative to their profession.

Affiliate Members are encouraged to serve the dental profession and contribute to its progress according to their abilities and resources. These efforts may be acknowledged by honoraria.

Affiliate Members have an obligation when involved in continuing education or other professional endeavors to disclose relationships with commerce, journalism, or any other entity where nondisclosure or incomplete disclosure may lead to a misrepresentation of facts.

Affiliate Members shall be removed of membership if convicted in civil or criminal court of an action which discredits the dental profession or the American College of Dentists, or following revocation of license or similar credential by a regulatory agency. Affiliate Members may be removed of membership following censure or suspension by a professional organization or a regulatory agency.

Affiliate Members shall be removed of membership when they do not fulfill those obligations of membership as set forth in the Bylaws, Code of Conduct, or henceforth determined by the Board of Regents. Affiliate Members may be removed of membership if their actions discredit the dental profession or the American College of Dentists.

Acceptance of Section 2 of the Code of Conduct will be required of all Affiliate Members.

The preceding statements constitute the Code of Conduct of the American College of Dentists. The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to uphold and strengthen dentistry as a member of the learned professions.

The Code of Conduct was amended October 1996, October 1999, April 2004, October 2005, October 2007, and October 2010.